- Understand storm water drainage importance in society
- Determine storm water Drainage systems requirements for a given community
- Understand procedures for analysis and design of storm water drainage systems
Daily Outlines:
Day One: Introduction, General information and Hydrology
Fundamental Hydrology for Sewer Design
- Factors affecting Floods
- Design frequency criteria
- Drainage Basins
- Storm water flow
Day Two: Storm Drainage Systems
- Storm Water Drainage Systems Components
- Pavement Drainage
- Gutter Flow
- Storm Water Inlets
- Storm Drains
Day Three: Hydraulics of Sewers
Fundamental Hydraulic for Sewer Design
- Manning’s Formula
- Solution of Manning’s equation for circular pipes
- Design of Sewer Systems
- Preliminary Design
- Detailed Design
Day Four: Design Procedures and Preliminary Design
Storm Water Drainage Sewers
- Culverts
- Ponds
- Drainage Well
Day Five: Practical problems
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